Friday, January 14, 2011

Kale Chips and Chile-Glazed Tempeh

I just realized how long it has been since I have posted anything. A while. I started my adjunct jobs at two local institutions of higher learning, with a whopping 5 classes this semester. I also started a part-time slightly-more-than-minimum-wage job so, in the event that I when I get into a PhD program, I may actually be able to move.

Toledo being the place that it is, there aren't a whole lot of jobs available that don't involve retail, so I was glad to find this one. Anyways, today is Friday- my ONE DAY OFF for the week. :)

Accordingly, I went to the gym, checked the Aggie Fund mailbox, uploaded material for my online courses, did some shopping, and cooked a tasty (and quick) dinner: chile-sauce glazed tempeh and kale chips. Hurray! As in, "Hurray, it was effn' delicioso!"

Recipe, ahoy:

Kale Chips
1. Preheat the oven (or toaster oven) to 350F.
2. Take a large bunch of curly kale (really, how much you make depends on how large your pan is, you don't want the kale to overlap)
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix the kale with the following ingredients (depending on how much you want to make, your measurements may be different. You want everything coated, but there shouldn't be any saucy-ness at the bottom of the bowl):

--1 tbs. olive oil
--2 tbs. ACV (apple cider vinegar)
--1/4 tsp. Paprika
--1/8-1/4 tsp. Cayenne pepper

4. Cook until crispy (again, depending on amount), about 20-25 minutes.

For the Tempeh:

Chile Marinade:

--1/4 c. orange juice
--1/4 c. vegetable stock
--2 Tbs. Peanut oil
--1 Tbs. Tamari soy sauce
--1 heaping Tbs. Aji Amarillo paste
--1 tsp. Aji Panca paste (optional)
--2 tsp. Mexican oregano
--2 heaping tsp. roasted cumin (or regular cumin)

1. Slice the tempeh into 10-12 slices. Steam for 10 minutes (this helps the tempeh absorb the marinade).
2. Put the tempeh in the marinade and let marinade for at least 15 minutes at room temperature.
3. When ready, heat 2 tbs. olive oil in large cast iron skillet over medium/medium-high heat. Add tempeh and cook for 4-5 minutes each side, adding tsp. of remaining marinade as tempeh is cooking.
4. Heat remainder of marinade over low heat and pour over cooked tempeh.

I love, love, love kale chips! I could eat them everyday. The two flavors really don't match together; however, I will eat kale chips with anything.

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